Post Conference: Education and the Workforce

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The recently enacted Blueprint for Maryland’s Future creates a collaborative platform of cooperation between local workforce development boards, local education agencies, community colleges, and Registered Apprenticeship sponsors. This year’s post-conference will feature training in innovative educational solutions that will maximize career counseling service delivery to middle and high school students.

Geared toward education and workforce development professionals alike, the intended audience will include CTE Directors from local education agencies, community college representatives, and workforce professionals.

This can be your company’s opportunity to showcase your products and services to a more targeted audience.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum - $20,000

• Branded items or promotional material in swag bag
• Designated as a sponsor of the general session
• 15 complementary post-conference registrations
• Advertisement in the mobile app
• 2-4 minute video before general sessions
• On-stage signage
• Large logo on welcome banner
• Logo on website
• Logo on welcome PowerPoint during the general session
• Listing on signage at the conference
• Ribbons on your badges designating you as a platinum sponsor
• Other benefits tailored to the needs of the sponsor

Gold - $10,000

• Designated as a sponsor of breakfast
• 10 complimentary post-conference registrations
• 2-minute video before general session
• On-stage signage
• Advertisement in the mobile app
• Ribbons on your badges designating you as a gold sponsor
• Logo on welcome banner
• Logo on website
• Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
• Listing on signage at the conference
• One additional benefit tailored to the needs of the sponsor

Silver - $7,500

• Designated as a sponsor of a snack station
• 8 complimentary registrations to the post-conference
• Advertisement in the mobile app
• Ribbons on your badges designating you as a silver sponsor
• Logo on website and welcome banner
• Logo on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
• Listing on signage at the conference

Bronze - $5,000

• Sponsorship of one post-conference track
• 4 complimentary registrations to the post-conference
• Logo on website
• Listing on welcome PowerPoint during general sessions
• Listing on signage at the conference
• Ribbons on your badges as a Bronze sponsor

Friend - $1,500

• 1 complimentary registration to the post-conference
• Listing on website
• Logo on welcome PowerPoint before the general session
• Listing on signage at the conference
• Exhibitor booth

Exclusives - $3,000 - limit 1 


• Signage at the registration table
• 1 complimentary full registration to the conference
• Listing on signage at the conference
• Listing on website
• Premium exhibit booth space



• Signage as mobile app sponsor
• Logo in app designating sponsorship
• 1 complimentary full registration to the conference
• Listing on conference signage
• Listing on website
• Premium exhibit booth space