Click the link to download the  ASC-7 book of abstracts.


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Turkish Catalysis Society and the organizing committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the 7th Anatolian School of Catalysis (ASC-7) to be held at Izmir Institute of Technology on 1-5 September 2024. This event upholds the tradition initiated by the Turkish Catalysis Society in Ankara (ASC-1, 2006) followed by school series held in 2008 (ASC-2, İzmir), 2010 (ASC-3, Malatya) 2017 (ASC-4, Izmir), 2019 (ASC-5, Izmir), and 2022 (ASC-6, Izmir). The title of the ASC-7 is “Tale of Catalysis from Past to Future: Lectures from Masters of Catalysis”. 

The ASC-7 focuses on catalysis fundamentals and applications along with recent advances regarding catalyst synthesis, characterization, testing, and industrial catalytic processes. The school provides the opportunity to acquire a more profound understanding of various aspects of the catalysis field and enables researchers to connect with globally recognized experts from academia and industry. This opportunity allows them to gain insights from these experts' experiences and expand their professional network, fostering potential collaborations in the future. The ASC-7 covers the following topics: fundamentals of homogeneous, heterogeneous, bio-, electro-, photocatalysis, catalytic reaction engineering, advanced catalyst synthesis methods, in-situ and synchrotron characterization, sustainable and green catalytic processes, and industrial catalysis research. The school is designed for early career researchers, graduate students, and professionals working in industry, who require deepening their insights into catalytic processes. The ASC-7 consists of invited lectures, industrial talks, and poster contributions. The posters will be selected by the scientific committee, based on the innovative aspect and scientific level.

We hope that everyone will benefit from the ASC-7. Our aspiration is that ASC-7 will serve as an adaptable platform for both structured and informal exchanges with colleagues from both academia and industry, igniting fresh perspectives on research and collaborative endeavors.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to you in advance for your kind interest in our school, your attendance, and your valuable contributions. 

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 7th Anatolian School of Catalysis.

Program - 5 Days

You can download the draft ASC-7 book of abstracts.
Unpresented abstracts will be removed in the final version. 

01 Sep

11:00 - 13:30


IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall
13:30 - 14:00

Opening Talks

IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall

14:00 - 15:00

S1-a Catalysis Fundamentals

IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall1 Presenter

Chair: Oluş Özbek

14:00 - 15:00
Rutger van Santen

Rutger van Santen

L1 - Catalysis in Perspective: Historic Review
15:00 - 15:15

Coffee Break

IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall
15:15 - 16:45

S1-a Catalysis Fundamentals

IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall2 Presenters
15:15 - 16:00
David Sémeril

David Sémeril

L2- Homogeneous Catalysis
16:00 - 16:45
Dmitry Murzin

Dmitry Murzin

L3 - Heterogeneous Catalysis
16:45 - 17:00

Coffee Break

17:00 - 17:45

S1-a Catalysis Fundamentals

IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall1 Presenter

Chair: Oluş Özbek

17:00 - 17:45
Ahmet Kerim Avcı

Ahmet Kerim Avcı

L4 - Catalytic Reaction Engineering
17:45 - 18:00

Group Photo

18:00 - 19:00

Walking tour in IZTECH Campus

19:00 - 21:00

Welcome Reception


How to get to IYTE

Transportation to and from İYTE (Izmir Institute of Technology) is highly accessible, with multiple options for students, staff, and visitors. Daily shuttle services operate between İYTE and various points in İzmir, including Üçkuyular and Urla, with additional minibus routes from Gülbahçe. The İzmir-Çeşme highway provides a convenient route for private vehicles, and free shuttle services are available within the campus. Municipal buses and minibusses offer regular connections, while Havaş buses provide transportation to the airport.

For detailed bus schedules and more information, please CLICK HERE.

Google maps link:






Urla is a charming spot along Turkey's Aegean coast. It's a place where beautiful beaches, a lively town center, and a rich cultural history blend seamlessly.

Urla's food scene is a delight, featuring fresh seafood, local produce, and fragrant herbs that bring Aegean flavors to life. The area's wines, part of the Urla Wine Route, are something special, too.

Whether you're lounging at Urla Beach or strolling through downtown Urla's historic streets, something is captivating about experiencing the local culture.

Urla, nestled in Turkey's Izmir province, is a haven for those seeking authentic Aegean experiences.


Poster Presentation:
- Posters should be portrait and 70x100 cm in size. Printing responsibility is yours.
- Use clear fonts and visuals so they can be seen from a distance.
- It's a good idea to include: ASC-7 logo, title, names and affiliations of authors, introduction, methods, results, conclusion, references, and acknowledgment.
- Stand by your poster during your assigned time. Posters not presented will be removed from the abstract book.
- Take down your poster after your session, as we can't store them safely.

Please click HERE to download the visuals you may require while preparing your poster

Invited Lecturers

Rutger van Santen

Prof. Rutger van Santen

Eindhoven University of Technology

Dmitry Murzin

Prof. Dmitry Murzin

Åbo Akademi University

Emiel J. M. Hensen

Prof. Emiel J. M. Hensen

Eindhoven University of Technology

Deniz Üner

Prof. Dr. Deniz Üner

Middle East Technical University

Frank Hollmann

Prof. Frank Hollmann

Delft University of Technology

Selahattin Yılmaz

Prof. Dr. Selahattin Yılmaz

İzmir Institute of Technology

Clément Camp

Dr. Clément Camp

CNRS, Lyon

Gihan Kamel

Asst. Prof. Gihan Kamel

Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME)

Emrah Özensoy

Prof. Dr. Emrah Özensoy

Bilkent University

Kerem Emre Ercan

Dr. Kerem Emre Ercan


Sarp Kaya

Assoc. Prof. Sarp Kaya

Koç University

Önder Metin

Assoc. Prof. Önder Metin

Koç University

Burak Ülgüt

Assoc. Prof. Burak Ülgüt

Bilkent University

Ahmet Kerim Avcı

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kerim Avcı

Boğaziçi University

Uğur Ünal

Assoc. Prof. Uğur Ünal

Koç University

Ramazan Yıldırım

Prof. Ramazan Yıldırım

Boğaziçi University

David Sémeril

Prof. David Sémeril

French National Centre for Scientific Research

Mathieu Prevot

Dr. Mathieu Prevot

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

M. Oluş Özbek

Assoc. Prof. M. Oluş Özbek

Gebze Technical University

Fatih Mustafa Genişel

Fatih Mustafa Genişel

Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME)


Social Program

Sunday, Sep.1: Welcome Reception

  • 18:00-19:00: Iztech Campus Walking Tour
  • 19:00-21:00: Free snacks and drinks!

Monday, Sep. 2: Gala Dinner

  • 20:00-23:00: Ayana Restaurant, Urla (Seafood feast - drinks cost extra)
    • Shuttle leaves IZTECH at 19:30

Wednesday, Sep. 4: Urla Adventure Tour

  • 13:30-21:00: Köstem Olive Oil Museum, Kalzomenai Ancient City, Urla Winery, Uzbaş Arboretum, Urla city center

Tour Program – Urla Attraction Points

13:30-13:45 Transport time (The buses will depart from IZTECH Guesthouse)
13:45 – 15:15 Köstem Olive Oil Museum ( – Olive Oil Production Tour

It is a museum complex with a closed area of ​​5 thousand 650 square meters in a total area of ​​20 thousand square meters. The complex includes the Museum of Technology, Soap, Hygiene and Cleaning Museum, modern olive oil factory and warehouse, olive and olive oil information sections, wood and ceramic workshops. In the front garden of the museum, all tree species that can be grown in the region were planted with the logic of creating an arboretum, and in the backyard, an olive tree collection of Anatolian olive cultivation types was created, especially with Aegean region olive species. Levent Köstem, President of Köstem Culture, Education and Museum Foundation, says that they aim to provide education for children, to turn the museum into an educational institution, and to initiate a work to develop olive, art, culture, history, and hand skills. The museum has been serving since November 2017 Turkey 'is the second industrial museum. The museum, oil presses on the olive and olive oil production throughout history, centrifugal machines, are likely to see materials related to soap making.

15:15 – 15:50 Transport time
15:50 – 16:30 Klazomenai Ancient City (

Part of the ancient city of Klazomenai, one of the 12 Ionian cities, is on the Karantina Island where Urla Kemik Hospital is located. The city spreads from Limantepe across the quarantine island to the foothills of Ayyıldız and Cankurtaran hills in the west. The classical period necropolis (cemetery) of the settlement is located to the west of the chain formed by Ayyıldız Tepe and Cankurtaran Tepe and in the region where the ancient road Klazomenai-Hypkremnos-Erythrai passes. Reflecting the prehistoric and classical periods of the ancient city of Klazomenai, Liman Tepe is divided into two in the İskele District of Urla via İzmir-Çeşmealtı. Limantepe was first identified and introduced by Ekrem Akurgal in 1950, and drilling excavations started by Güven Bakır in 1979. Excavations have continued by Hayat Erkanal since 1980 and by Yaşar Erkan Ersoy since 2020. 

The history

In the excavations carried out so far, the layer placed at the top of the 2nd half of the 2nd millennium BC, defined as the Archaic and Classical Ages and later the Late Bronze Age, is located. In the Early Bronze Age layer dated to the 3rd millennium BC, it is possible to see the first urbanization event in the western Anatolian coastal region in economic and spiritual terms in Urla. Traces of the Chalcolithic Age dating to the 4th century BC were found at Limantepe. Reflecting a history of at least 4000 years with the classical ages, Limantepe is the oldest known and long-term settlement of the Aegean coastal region.

At the end of the excavations, a part of the palace structure that represents the political and economic authority, defined as the house with corridors in the Aegean world, which is dated to the Early Bronze Age, was unearthed. The city wall of the same period, with a protection height of 6 meters, was unearthed. Round single-room houses (oval houses), many ovens, and hearths dating to the Middle Bronze Age were found with small finds. The importance of the city is that there is an olive oil workshop dating back to the 6th century BC. It is not yet known when the wild olive plant was improved in Anatolia. During the excavations, the water contained in the olives and the earthenware used in the separation process and used to separate the olive oil with hot water; Hand mortars and grinding stones that can be used to crush olives were found. These were simple portable tools that met the household oil requirement rather than large-scale oil production. However, those unearthed in Klazomenai are directed towards large production. There is a workshop with 15 pits with different functions carved into the rock.

The olive oil workshop, which has been excavated in Klazomenai, proves that the technology used in the world today was developed in this region for the first time 2600 years ago. In the 1st Phase of Klazomenai, production was aimed at meeting the needs of the city and its immediate surroundings. In Phase-2, exports seem to have gained importance. The belt-decorated amphoras unique to Klazomenai found in the excavations were used for the storage and transportation of olive oil and wine, which is proof that the foreign trade of the city was developed in the 6th century BC. Klazomenai, along with other Ionian cities, participated in the establishment of a trade center called Naukratis in the Nile Delta in Egypt, and also in the establishment of the Ionian colonies that spread along the entire Black Sea coast with Miletos.

With the contributions of Unilever Komili firm, it is planned to transform the Klazomenai workshop into the First Age Olive Oil Technology Museum. 

16:30-17:00 Transport time
17:00-18:30 Urla Winery ( – Winemaking Tour

Urla has become a significant destination for gastronomy and winemaking aficionados. Each year, around 80,000 visitors come to explore our vineyards, taste our wines, and experience the local flavors of Urla. The region’s rich history and its resurgence as a fertile, thriving area have drawn attention from agro-tourism and food enthusiasts alike.

Nestled in the heart of Urla's breathtaking countryside, Urla Winery offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modern winemaking. As you savor the exquisite wines crafted from grapes grown in renowned vineyards, you'll be surrounded by the serene beauty of the landscape—a perfect setting for a memorable experience.

Urla Winery is dedicated to the revitalization and diversification of both local Anatolian and noble international grape varieties. Over the past 15 years, their efforts have led to the creation of 10 distinct wines, recognition in the global winemaking community, and numerous awards, including the prestigious 2010 Arkitera prize. On their 350-acre vineyard, they practice good agricultural methods, producing approximately 200,000 liters of high-quality boutique wine each year.

The vineyards are home to a diverse range of grape varieties, including international favorites such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Nero d’Avola, and Chardonnay, as well as local treasures like Boğazkere and Bornova Misket.

18:30 – 18:40 Transport time
18:40-19:30 Uzbaş Arboretum ( – Walking Tour

The arboretum is established on 2,000 decares of land, growing Mediterranean palms and tropical and subtropical outdoor plants with more than 250,000 palms of 52 species. It hosts native Turkish varieties and dozens of unique worldwide specimens in its 5,000 sqm greenhouse. The facility is engaged in the production of trees, shrubs, shrubs, and plants. In addition to its sales and imports, they carry out botanical scientific studies to adapt palms and plants to the fertile soil of Anatolia. Uzbaş Arberatorium was established when, in 1996, the UZBAŞ Agriculture Tourism Food Energy Industry and Trade Limited Company sought to establish a sustainable business ecosystem that respects nature and geography values.

19:30-20:00 Transport time
20:00-23:00 Urla City Center – Free time
How to Book for Social Program?

You can book for the Social Program during your registration or if you have already registered, you can book it from your attendee account.

IMPORTANT!. Booking Deadline is August 28, 2024.

Registration & Fees

Registration Guideline & Fees

To ensure a smooth registration process, please follow these steps:

- Click on any of the 'Register Now' buttons located on this page. You'll be directed to the registration form. Fill in the required information in the registration form. Once done, proceed to submit the form.
- Upon successful registration, an automated email containing your login credentials will be sent to the email address provided. 
- While immediate payment isn't mandatory upon registration, we recommend selecting the "Book now, Pay Later" option for preliminary booking. However, securing early bird registration fees is encouraged, considering the period-based pricing system we follow.
- Utilize your participant account to manage your attendance efficiently. From your account page, you can complete pending payments, download your invoice, update/edit your abstract, or track the abstract evaluation results.

We're here to make your registration process as seamless as possible. Should you encounter any issues or have inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via

A special discount will be applied to Catalysis Society of Türkiye members. Please contact us via for details.

Student & Academic
Only Registration for Student & Academic (Without Accommodation)


Address: Gülbahçe Kampüsü 35430 Urla İzmir Türkiye

General Information
The İzmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) is a Turkish state university established in 1992 to offer higher education and carry out research in science and technology. The medium of instruction at our institute is English. We are currently the only internationally distinguished advanced technical university in Turkey. We established graduate programs in 1994 in the center of İzmir and began admitting students to undergraduate programs in 1998. The campus relocated from the city center to the seaside town of Urla, İzmir in 1999. Our institute owns approximately 8,600 acres of land, 32 acres of which are currently dedicated to education and research. Within Turkey, our university is known as “İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü,” abbreviated as “İYTE.” Our international name is İzmir Institute of Technology, or “IZTECH” for short. IZTECH is divided into three faculties and one graduate school.

Faculty of Science

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Architecture

The Graduate School

Education and research are carried out in 18 undergraduate programs, 27 master’s programs and 19 doctoral programs. 9 of the master’s programs and 3 of the doctoral programs are interdisciplinary. We have a total of around 6769 students, 5298 of which are undergraduates.

Education and research at İZTECH conform to international standards. Our student-centered, project-based education methods aim to help students become modern researchers, inventors, and entrepreneurs who embrace teamwork and produce innovative technology. Our graduates are highly respected both nationally and internationally and are admitted to top universities abroad for postgraduate studies. In addition, we provide laboratories with the latest technology to help students advance in their respective fields.

İZTECH currently hosts 444 ongoing research projects funded by various institutions, including the European Union, the Turkish State Planning Organization (DPT), the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), and the Turkish Industry Theses Support Program (SANTEZ). These projects enrich the international scientific community through original research and design. Another on-campus institution that supports our mission to contribute to the fields of science and technology is the “İzmir Technology Development Zone,” called Teknopark, which has become synonymous with the institute itself. About 181 technology companies operate within Teknopark. Our students participate in research and complete internships with these companies in their fields of interest. This helps them to establish connections and jump-start their entrepreneurial careers. Post-graduation, students can open their own companies within or outside of Teknopark thanks to their hands-on experience.

Campus Map

Navigational Links:
1- IZTECH Integrated Research Center Conference Hall
2- IZTECH Dining Hall
3- IZTECH Guesthouse 


Organizing Committee

Alper Tapan, Gazi University
Halit Levent Hoşgün, Bursa Technical University
Meral Dükkancı, Ege University
Oluş Özbek, Gebze Technical University
Bahar İpek, Middle East Technical University
Ali Can Kızılkaya, İzmir Institute of Technology
Başar Çağlar, İzmir Institute of Technology
Samira F. Kurtoğlu Öztulum, Turkish - German University

Scientific Committee

Ahmet Erhan Aksoylu, Boğaziçi University, Türkiye
Ahmet Kerim Avcı, Boğaziçi University, Türkiye
Bekir Çetinkaya, Ege University, Türkiye
Volkan Değirmenci, Warwick University, UK
Timur Doğu, Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
Sarp Kaya, Koç University, Türkiye
Önder Metin, Koç University, Türkiye
Kasım Ocakoğlu, Mersin University, Türkiye
Zeynep İlsen Önsan, Boğaziçi University, Türkiye
İsmail Özdemir, İnönü University, Türkiye
Emrah Özensoy, Bilkent University, Türkiye
Saim Özkar, Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
Alper Uzun, Koç University, Türkiye
Deniz Üner, Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
Dilek Varışlı, Gazi University, Türkiye
Ramazan Yıldırım, Boğaziçi University, Türkiye
Selahattin Yılmaz, İzmir Institute of Technology, Türkiye

Scientific/School Topics

• Catalysis Fundamentals
• Catalyst Preparation
• Catalyst Characterization
• Catalysis Research in Industry
• Sustainable Catalytic Processes
• Computational Catalysis 

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