
IERI is organizing an Academy on assessment designs, and the use of Item Response Theory (IRT) and population modeling in large-scale assessments. The goal of the Academy is to familiarize participants with the topics related to assessment designs and IRT, and enable them to use commercially and freely available software to conduct appropriate IRT analysis and generate proficiency estimates or plausible values.

The Academy is targeted to participants with basic knowledge in the area of IRT and multiple imputations. The Academy will be limited to 25 participants. Participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Demonstration versions of the software for the hands-on training will be distributed to the participants during the Academy.  Spreadsheet applications such as Excel, and statistical software such as SPSS, SAS or R will be useful, but are not required.

This Academy will cover basic topics related to Assessment Designs, Classical Test Theory, Item Response Theory and Population Modeling as they relate to large-scale assessments. It will also train participants on the use of IRT and population modeling software to conduct analysis that involve calculating item parameters and person scores. It will review advantages and disadvantages of different IRT models currently in use as well as procedures for setting up data to be analyzed with IRT software.

The topics covered will be the following:

- Basics of survey instrument design

- Test design

- Questionnaire design

- Multiple matrix sampling

- Principles of Classical Test Theory (CTT) and item analysis

- Basic principles of Item Response Theory (IRT)

- Assumptions and models

- Estimating item parameters

- Estimating person scores

- Linking scales

- Using IRT for attitude and other background scales

- Principles of population modeling

- Dealing with multiple populations

- Estimating the latent regression

- Preparing, selecting and processing conditioning variables

- Imputing achievement results

- Using plausible values in the analysis

- Hands-on use of IRT software for large-scale assessments

- Examples with TAM

This Academy is aimed towards those who want to become familiar with the principles of assessments designs used in large-scale assessments, and the psychometric methods currently used to analyze these data. To gainfully participate, participants of this Academy are expected to have knowledge of basic statistical analysis techniques.

Complete documentation, software and sample data from the publicly available databases will be distributed during the Academy and used as examples.

Program - 3 Days

14 Jan

09:00 - 17:00

Day 1

 9:00 - 9:15  Welcome & Introductions.
                    Overview of Seminar and Agenda.

  9:15 - 10:30  Basics of Survey Instrument design

 10:30 - 10:45  Break

 10:45 - 12:15  Overview of Psychometric concepts in testing:  Item analysis, test analysis, reliability, and validity

 12:15 - 13:45  Lunch

 13:45 - 15:15  Hands-on training on Classical Test Theory Analysis (IAPlus)

 15:15 - 15:30  Break

 15:30 - 17:00  Basic Principles of IRT: Models; Estimating item parameters; Estimating person scores


General Registration fee is 650 USD.

Early Registration fee is 550 USD. To obtain this discount, registration and payment has to be received on or before January 1, 2025. 

Payment can be made by wire transfer. Instructions for a wire transfer will be shared with you upon registration.

Refund Policy
Refunds will only be issued if cancellation is made on or before January 1, 2025. After this date, if you cannot attend, you will receive credit for attendance to a future Academy.

You will receive a receipt with form and amount of payment shortly after the Academy, or ealier upon request.

Early Bird Registration Fee period is available until Jan 1, 2025.

1 days leftEarly Bird Registration Fee
General Registration Fee
Registration Fee
Register Now


Eugenio Gonzalez

TIMSS and PIRLS International Study Center Boston College


Download all materials from here.

About the IERI Academies

The IERI Academies are training workshops sponsored by IERI. Their goals are to train participants in the methods and procedures of large-scale assessments, and to foster networking and collaboration among researchers and practitioners around the world.

The Academies have regularly taken place at least twice per year, every year since their inception in 2007. 

Academies, are at times, also offered in Spanish, and can be scheduled upon request.

Since 2007, IERI has conducted the Academies on topics such as the use of international large-scale assessment databases for secondary analysis, item response theory and population modeling in large-scale assessments, use of hierarchical linear models in large-scale assessments, sampling methods in large-scale assessments, among others. A list of previous Academies can be found on our website: IERI Institute.

Contact Us

For any queries regarding the upcoming IERI Academy, you can reach out to Eugenio Gonzalez via 

For any queries regarding payment issues, you can reach out to Mira Bocti via and please kindly CC 

About IERI

The International Educational Research Institute (IERI) focuses on improving the science of large-scale assessments. IERI undertakes activities around three broad areas of work that include:

- Research studies related to the development and implementation of large-scale assessments;

- Professional development and training; and

- Dissemination of research findings and information gathered through large-scale assessments.

IERI supports research activities that address issues related to large-scale assessments such as TIMSS, PIRLS, ICCS, ICILS, PISA, PIAAC, NAEP, IALS, ALL, etc. The label “virtual” is attached to the research area to emphasize that the research projects are hosted by the funding institutions, but are facilitated by online collaboration as well as by the shared joint expertise of researchers involved in work on large-scale assessments.

The aim of this virtual research area is to contribute to the science of large-scale assessments so that the best available information is provided to policy makers and researchers from around the world.

Publishing your Work

Since 2008, IERI has supported the publication of research work on issues related to large-scale assessments. Much of this work has come from participants in the IERI Academies. 

IERI sponsors the Large-scale Assessments in Education: An IEA-ETS Research Journal. In order to be published in this journal, submissions have to undergo and receive favorable technical, substantive, and editorial review. 

For information on how to submit a paper for review and publication in the IERI journal please visit the journal website at:

Instituto de Avaliação Educativa


Instituto de Avaliação Educativa

Lisboa, 1250-096, Portugal


Tv. das Terras de Santana 15, 1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal