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NanoTR-19 — Record Participants & Partnerships for Maximum Impact!

Welcome to NanoTR-19

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to the 19th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-19) at Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, on August 27–29, 2025.

Since its inception in 2004, NanoTR has evolved from a national gathering into a premier global platform where scientists, engineers, researchers, and industry leaders converge to shape the future of nanotechnology. Each year, our community grows stronger, driven by a shared passion for innovation and discovery.

What's New for 2025

This year, we're elevating the conference experience with:
Dedicated Symposia on Defense Applications & Materials Engineering — Exploring nanotechnology's transformative potential in strategic sectors
Enhanced Industry-Academia Partnership Track — Creating meaningful connections between research breakthroughs and real-world implementation
Innovation Showcase — Providing nanotechnology companies with a platform to present cutting-edge products and solutions

Why Attend NanoTR-19?

Beyond presenting research, NanoTR-19 offers an unparalleled opportunity to:
— Connect with leading minds across disciplines
— Forge strategic partnerships with industry pioneers
— Gain visibility for your groundbreaking work
— Influence the direction of nanotechnology research and applications 

We firmly believe that the most impactful innovations emerge at the intersection of diverse perspectives. Your presence and contributions will be instrumental in advancing not just individual research agendas, but the entire field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Join us in Ankara—a city where ancient history meets modern scientific ambition—as we collectively push the boundaries of what's possible through nanoscience.

The future of nanotechnology awaits your contribution.

Warm regards,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee




▸ Oğuz Gülseren, Bilkent University, NanoTR Community Chair
▸ Burak Derkuş, Ankara University ▸ Göknur Cambaz, Drexel University
▸ Burcu Akata Kurç, Middle East Technical University ▸ Gülay Ertaş, Middle East Technical University
▸ Cem Çelebi, Izmir Institute of Technology ▸ Mehmet Z. Baykara, University of California
▸ Coşkun Kocabaş, University of Manchester ▸ Pınar Huri Yılgör, Ankara University
▸ Eda Ayşe Aksoy, Hacettepe University ▸ Saniye Söylemez, Necmettin Erbakan University
▸ Emrah Özensoy, Bilkent University ▸ Simge Çınar Aygün, Middle East Technical University
▸ Evren Mutlugün, Abdullah Gül University ▸ Yusuf Keleştemur, Middle East Technical University
▸ Gökhan Demirel, Gazi University


Student / Early Career Researchers:     3.000 TL
Academician:     4.750 TL
Industrial:     6.500 TL  

Includes: Participation kit, welcome reception, coffee breaks & lunches, access to the scientific sessions and exhibition hall, book of abstracts (online), etc.

Student / Early Career Researchers
Register Now


Early registration is appreciated as it helps us predict and manage the limited conference resources, ensuring a seamless welcome for you.

Simply click on the "Register Now" button, even if you don't have most of the necessary details and your abstract is not ready yet. The system will guide you through the registration and submission process. Make sure to click on "Book now, Pay later" at the check-out stage. However, you have to pay within the deadlines to secure the discounted rates such as early bird fees.

Please note that only the selection of the registration type is required right now. Once you have finalized the details related to your participation, such as completing your abstract or clarifying your travel dates, adding accompanying, or have gathered the required information, log in to your registration account to add or update all your items.

If you require further assistance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can email us directly at or use the "Contact the Organizer" form located at the bottom of this page. Just scroll down to find it. Your smooth registration process is our priority, and we're here to help.


▸ Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials ▸ Properties of Nanoscale Materials
▸ Graphene and 2D Materials ▸ Nanotubes and Nanowires
▸ Nanoelectronics and Spintronics ▸ Materials for Green Energy Transition
▸ Nanomembranes, Catalytical Nanostructures, and Electrochemical Nanomaterials ▸ Organic and Inorganic Nanocomposites
▸ Polymer Nanotechnology ▸ Nanobiotechnology: Biomaterials and Biosensors
▸ Nanoscale Genomics ▸ Nanomedicine, Nano Drug Delivery Systems, and Biopharmaceutical
▸ Synthetic Materials Biology ▸ Nanooptics, Nanophotonics, and Nanoplasmonics
▸ Nanomechanics, Nanotribology, and Nanomanipulation ▸ Nanomaterials in Food, Agriculture, and Water Purification
▸ Molecular and Supramolecular Materials, Organic, and Hybrid Electronics: OLED, OTFT, PLED ▸ Smart Textiles and Apparel
▸ Nanotechnology for Energy ▸ Nanophysics
▸ Green & Blue Nanotechnology ▸ Novel Applications of Nanostructured Materials
▸ Social, Economic, and Environmental Effects of Nanotechnology, and Ethical Issues ▸ Nanoenterprise: Transition from Research to Applications Stories
▸ Quantum Materials ▸ Machine Learning Approaches for Nanotechnology Applications
▸ Nanoscale Active Matter ▸ Computational Nanoscience


We welcome contributions in abstract format for oral and/or poster presentations. The presentation type and schedule will be decided by the scientific committee after a peer review process. We will notify corresponding (submitting) authors of the decision upon completion of the review process.

Your early abstract submission is truly valued as it enables us to design an effective schedule and assign suitable meeting rooms, making sure you have a flawless presentation experience.

All accepted abstracts (following a blind review process) that are presented at the conference will be published in an online book of abstracts.

Using meetinghand digital platform, ensures your abstract submission aligns with the conference's requirements. The platform takes care of the format, including text length (ranging between 100 to 400 words) during the submission process. You can view the instructions before preparing your abstract by  clicking here

Ready to submit? Click HERE.

Your account is available at all times for any edits to your abstract or to monitor its evaluation status.

If you are experiencing any issues with submitting your abstracts, please email for assistance.

Venue & Host City


The Conference will be held at the METU Culture and Convention Center - KKM

This modern venue is located on the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) campus, just 7km from central Ankara and the Kızılay district. It features versatile halls, meeting rooms, and facilities to enable an impactful conference experience.

Attendees can take metro line M2 directly to the ODTÜ metro station on campus. KKM is just 1.5km from station A1, with dolmus shuttle transport available.

Ankara’s airport is 45km away, while the main bus terminal is just 4km from the university location. Multiple public transport options make traveling to the venue quite convenient.

We look forward to hosting our collaborative career planning discussions at METU KKM’s exceptional facilities and welcoming you to explore Türkiye's dynamic capital!


Host City ANKARA

Ankara, Türkiye's capital, is a historic city with roots dating back to ancient civilizations. Formerly known as Ancyra and Angora, it served as the capital of Galatia and later the Roman province with the same name. Positioned in central Anatolia, Ankara's urban center houses 5.1 million people, making it Turkey's second-largest city. The historic center features the remnants of Ankara Castle, offering a glimpse into its diverse past.

An integral player in Turkish history, Ankara became the political center during the establishment of the Grand National Assembly in 1920 and assumed the role of the national capital in 1923. Beyond its governmental significance, Ankara is a thriving commercial and industrial hub, strategically located at the crossroads of Turkey's transportation networks. The city seamlessly blends its historical heritage with modern vitality, symbolizing resilience and progress in the heart of Turkey.


▸ Ahmet Oral, NanoMagnetics Instruments ▸ İskender Yılgör, Koç University
▸ Ali Coşkun, University of Fribourg ▸ İsmet İnönü Kaya, Sabancı University
▸ Ali Koşar, SUNUM, Sabancı University ▸ Levent Demirel, Koç University
▸ Alper Kiraz, Koç University ▸ Levent Trabzon, Istanbul Technical University
▸ Amitav Sanyal, Boğaziçi University ▸ Lütfi Özyüzer, İzmir Institute of Technology
▸ Arif Engin Çetin, İzmir Biomedicine and Genome Center ▸ Mehmet Ertuğrul, Karadeniz Technical University
▸ Aşkın Kocabaş, Koç University ▸ Mehmet Özsöz, Near East University
▸ Atilla Aydınlı, Uludağ University ▸ Mehmet Öztürk, İzmir Tınaztepe University
▸ Atilla Cihaner, Atılım University ▸ Mehmet Yağmurcukardeş, Izmir Institute of Technology
▸ Ayşe Bayrakçeken, Ataturk University ▸ Memed Duman, Hacettepe University
▸ Ayşegül Uygun Öksüz, Süleyman Demirel University ▸ Metin Ak, Pamukkale University
▸ B. İmran Akça Avcı, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ▸ Murat Kılıç, EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
▸ Bünyamin Akgül, İzmir Institute of Technology ▸ Mustafa Çulha, Sabancı University
▸ Canan Varlıklı, İzmir Institute of Technology ▸ Mustafa Ürgen, İstanbul Technical University
▸ Caner Ünlü, İstanbul Technical University ▸ Nihan Kosku Perkgöz, Eskişehir Technical University
▸ Cem Sevik, University of Antwerp ▸ Nurdan Demirci Şankır, University of Economics & Techonology
▸ E. Görkem Günbaş, Middle East Technical University ▸ Onur Büyükçakır, Izmir Institute of Technology
▸ Ekmel Özbay, Bilkent University ▸ Osman Barış Malcıoğlu, Middle East Technical University
▸ Emine Güler Çelik, Ege University ▸ Özgül Keleş, Istanbul Technical University
▸ Emir Baki Denkbaş, Başkent University ▸ Özgür Birer, ASELSAN
▸ Emre Gür, Eskişehir Osmangazi University ▸ R. Tuğrul Senger, İzmir Institute of Technology
▸ Ender Suvacı, Eskişehir Technical University ▸ Raşit Turan, Middle East Technical University
▸ Engin Durgun, UNAM - Bilkent University ▸ Recep Yüksel, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
▸ Erdem Alaca, Koç University ▸ Seda Keskin, Koç University
▸ Erem Bilensoy, Hacettepe University ▸ Şahin Coşkun, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
▸ Erol Yıldırım, Middle East Technical University ▸ Şefik Süzer, Bilkent University
▸ Emren Nalbant, Middle East Technical University ▸ Selim Hanay, Bilkent University
▸ Fatih İnci, Bilkent University ▸ Selmiye Alkan Gürsel, Sabancı University
▸ Feridun Ay, Eskişehir Technical University ▸ Serdar Önses, Erciyes University
▸ Ferit Acar Savacı, İzmir Institute of Technology ▸ Serhat Tozburun, İzmir Biomedicine and Genome Center
▸ Filiz Kuralay, Hacettepe University ▸ Serpil Tekoğlu, Johannes Kepler University of Linz
▸ Funda Acar Yağcı, Koç University ▸ Süleyman Özçelik, Gazi University
▸ H. Volkan Demir, Bilkent University ▸ Suna Timur, Ege University
▸ Hakan Usta, Abdullah Gül University ▸ Tahir Çağın, Texas A&M University
▸ Halil Murat Aydın, Hacettepe University ▸ Talha Erdem, Abdullah Gül University
▸ Halime Gül Yağlıoğlu, Ankara University ▸ Taner Akbay, Yeditepe University
▸ Hatice Duran, TOBB Economy & Technology University ▸ Taner Yıldırım, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
▸ Hatice Kaplan Can, Hacettepe University  


Abstract Submission Guideline:

We kindly request you review the following details for a smooth submission experience:

  • You may submit 2 abstracts maximum, with only 1 selected for an oral presentation.
  • Editing, saving, and submitting for review are enabled in the system.
  • Please select the presentation type and scientific topic.
  • The system automatically formats abstract length, type, etc.
  • Capitalize each word in the title within a max of 20 words.
  • The submitting author is the “Corresponding Author.”
  • Add co-authors individually and order them using drag and drop.
  • Carefully enter author affiliations and emails since the system automatically merges based on name. Copy/paste affiliations to avoid misspellings and rewrite names if authors have multiple affiliations.
  • The text must be 100-400 words, written in the appropriate section, and can use basic formatting like super/subscripts. Copy/paste from Word or PDF is enabled, but check formatting in the preview.
  • Please avoid images, charts, and tables if possible. But if necessary, you can add them as images.
  • Do not include the title, authors, and affiliations in the text section. You may mention research support like project names.
  • Only add references and keywords in the designated fields, not in the abstract text.
  • Research support notes can optionally be added to the text section if applicable.

Important Dates :

Abstract submission deadline : 13 June 2025
Notification of Acceptence : 27 June 2025

Past Conferences