
Streamlining Academic Conferences with Event Management Software

Organizing an academic conference is a monumental task, requiring meticulous planning, coordination, and communication. With the multitude of details to manage, from attendee registrations to abstract submissions and session scheduling, it's no wonder that event organizers often find themselves overwhelmed.

Fortunately, advancements in technology have revolutionized the way academic conferences are planned and executed. Event management software has emerged as a valuable tool, offering a suite of features designed to streamline every aspect of conference organization, from start to finish.

In this article, we'll explore the must-have features of event management software that are essential for organizing a seamless academic conference. From registration and abstract management to program scheduling and attendee engagement, we'll delve into the key functionalities that can make all the difference in creating a successful and memorable event experience.

Join us as we uncover the power of event management software in simplifying the complexities of academic conference planning, empowering organizers to focus on what truly matters: delivering valuable content and fostering meaningful connections among attendees.

'Must-Have' Event Management Software Features for Organizing a Seamless Academic Event

Registration and Ticketing software for events

A. Registration and Ticketing:

Online Registration Forms:

Event management software should offer customizable online registration forms that allow event planners to collect attendee information efficiently. The forms should be easy to create and edit, with options to add fields for contact details, affiliation, dietary preferences, and any other relevant information. The software should provide a user-friendly interface for attendees to complete the registration process seamlessly.

Ticketing Options:

The software should support various ticketing options to accommodate different registration types, such as early bird, regular, student, and group registrations. Event planners should be able to set pricing tiers and discounts easily, with options for customizing ticket names and descriptions. Attendees should have the flexibility to choose the ticket type that best suits their needs and preferences during the registration process.

Secure Payment Processing:

Seamless integration with trusted payment gateways is essential to ensure secure and hassle-free payment processing. The event management software should support multiple payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and other popular payment options. Event planners should have access to real-time payment tracking and reporting features to monitor transactions and reconcile payments effectively.

See MeetingHand's Registration Solutions

B. Abstract Management:

Submission and Review:

The event management software should provide a centralized platform for authors to submit abstracts and reviewers to assess them efficiently. Authors should be able to submit abstracts online through a user-friendly submission portal, with options to upload supporting documents and multimedia files. Reviewers should have access to a streamlined review interface where they can evaluate abstracts, provide feedback, and assign scores or ratings.

Reviewer Access:

The software should facilitate easy access for reviewers and decision-making committees to submitted abstracts. Reviewers should receive automated notifications when new abstracts are available for review, with clear instructions on how to access the review interface and complete their evaluations. Event planners should have the ability to manage reviewer assignments, track review progress, and ensure timely completion of the review process.

Session Management:

Integration with abstract management systems is crucial to ensure seamless coordination between accepted abstracts and session schedules. The event management software should provide tools for organizing abstracts into sessions, assigning presentation slots to authors, and generating session schedules. Event planners should be able to customize session formats, allocate time slots, and manage session logistics effortlessly within the software platform.

See MeetingHand's Abstract Management Solutions

C. Program Management:

Creation and Customization:

Event management software should empower event planners to create and customize the conference program with ease. Planners should have the flexibility to design a comprehensive program that includes sessions, workshops, keynote presentations, and social events. The software should offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces, customizable templates, and scheduling tools to streamline program creation and customization.

Integration with Abstract Management:

Seamless integration with abstract management systems is essential to ensure alignment between accepted abstracts and session schedules. The event management software should automatically sync abstract submissions with the conference program, allowing planners to assign accepted abstracts to specific sessions and time slots. Any updates or changes made to abstracts should be reflected in real-time within the program schedule.

Real-Time Updates:

Keeping attendees informed and engaged with real-time updates and notifications is crucial for a successful conference. Event management software should provide built-in communication tools for sending automated reminders, updates, and announcements to registered attendees. Planners should have the ability to schedule and customize notifications for registration deadlines, session start times, venue changes, and other important information.

D. Communication Tools:

Email Marketing:

Event management software should offer built-in email marketing capabilities to promote the conference and communicate important updates to attendees. Planners should be able to create and send targeted email campaigns, newsletters, and announcements directly from the software platform. The software should provide customizable email templates, contact segmentation options, and performance tracking metrics to maximize the effectiveness of email marketing efforts.

Automated Reminders:

Automated reminders play a crucial role in keeping attendees informed and engaged throughout the conference lifecycle. Event management software should allow planners to schedule and send automated reminders for registration deadlines, session start times, and other key milestones. Planners should have the flexibility to customize reminder settings, delivery schedules, and recipient lists based on attendee preferences and participation status.

In-App Messaging:

In-app messaging or chat features enable attendees to connect with organizers and fellow participants directly within the event management software platform. Planners should have the option to enable real-time messaging capabilities, group chat rooms, and discussion forums where attendees can engage in discussions, ask questions, and share insights. The software should provide moderation tools, message filtering options, and privacy settings to ensure a positive and productive communication experience for all users.

E. Attendee Engagement:

Networking Opportunities:

Event management software should facilitate networking opportunities among attendees by providing features such as attendee directories, matchmaking algorithms, and social networking integrations. Planners should have the ability to create and customize attendee profiles, enabling attendees to discover and connect with peers based on shared interests, affiliations, and preferences. The software should provide networking tools and icebreaker activities to encourage meaningful interactions and relationship-building among attendees.

Interactive Features:

Interactive features such as live polls, Q&A sessions, and discussion forums enhance attendee engagement and participation during sessions. Event management software should offer built-in tools for creating and conducting interactive sessions, allowing presenters to engage with audiences in real-time. Planners should have access to customizable polling options, audience response systems, and moderation controls to facilitate dynamic and interactive session experiences.

Social Media Integration:

Integration with social media platforms enables attendees to share conference highlights, connect with peers, and amplify the event's reach across various social channels. Event management software should provide seamless integration with popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Planners should have the ability to create and schedule social media posts, track engagement metrics, and monitor mentions and hashtags related to the conference in real-time.

See MeetingHand's engagement solutions

'Nice-to-Have' Event Management Software Features for Organizing a Seamless Academic Event

Mobile App for events

A. Mobile App:

Customizable Mobile App for On-the-Go Access:

A customizable mobile app tailored specifically for the conference allows attendees to access essential information such as schedules, speaker bios, and venue maps from their smartphones or tablets. The app should offer customization options to reflect the conference branding and enable attendees to personalize their experience.

Enhanced Features for Attendee Convenience:

The mobile app should include features such as session reminders, personalized agendas, and interactive maps to enhance attendee convenience and engagement. Session reminders ensure attendees never miss important sessions, while personalized agendas allow them to plan their conference experience according to their interests. Interactive maps provide easy navigation within the venue and help attendees locate sessions, exhibitor booths, and amenities.

B. Sponsorship and Exhibitor Management:

Comprehensive Tools for Managing Sponsor and Exhibitor Relationships:

Event management software should provide robust tools for managing sponsor and exhibitor registrations, payments, and logistics. Planners should be able to streamline the entire sponsorship and exhibitor management process, from initial registration to post-event follow-up. This includes tools for tracking sponsor/exhibitor interactions, managing sponsorship levels and benefits, and facilitating communication between organizers and sponsors/exhibitors.

Visibility Options for Sponsors/Exhibitors within the Conference Platform:

The software should offer visibility options that allow sponsors and exhibitors to showcase their brand and offerings within the conference platform. This may include features such as branded profiles, logo placements, and dedicated sponsor/exhibitor pages that provide exposure to attendees throughout the event.

Lead Retrieval and Analytics for Sponsors/Exhibitors:

Integration with lead retrieval systems enables sponsors and exhibitors to capture attendee information and track engagement metrics during the conference. Planners should have access to comprehensive analytics and reporting features that provide insights into sponsor/exhibitor ROI, attendee interactions, and overall event performance. These insights help organizers demonstrate the value of sponsorship/exhibition opportunities and make data-driven decisions for future events.

C. Analytics and Reporting:

Tracking Registration and Attendance Metrics:

Event management software should provide robust analytics dashboards that allow planners to track registration and attendance metrics in real-time. Key metrics to monitor include registration rates, attendee demographics, session attendance, and engagement levels. These insights help organizers understand attendee behavior, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the conference experience.

Analyzing Abstract Submission and Review Data:

The software should offer powerful tools for analyzing abstract submission and review data, including submission rates, acceptance rates, reviewer feedback, and session preferences. Planners can use this data to evaluate the quality of submissions, identify emerging themes or trends, and make informed decisions about session programming and content selection.

Generating Reports for Stakeholders and Future Planning:

Event management software should facilitate the generation of comprehensive reports for stakeholders and future planning purposes. These reports may include attendee demographics, registration trends, session evaluations, sponsor/exhibitor engagement, and post-event survey responses. Planners can use these reports to assess event performance, measure ROI, and provide valuable insights to stakeholders for future event planning and decision-making.

D. Accessibility Features:

Compliance with Accessibility Standards for Attendees with Disabilities:

Event management software should prioritize accessibility and comply with relevant standards such as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) to ensure inclusivity for all attendees. This includes features such as screen reader compatibility, alt text descriptions, and keyboard navigation options that enable attendees with disabilities to access and navigate the conference platform effectively.

Options for Closed Captioning or Translation Services:

Integration with closed captioning or translation services enhances accessibility for attendees with hearing impairments or non-native language speakers. Planners should offer options for live captioning or on-demand translation of session content to accommodate diverse attendee needs and ensure everyone can fully participate in the conference experience.

Easy Navigation and Readability for All Users:

The event management software should prioritize ease of navigation and readability for all users, regardless of their technological proficiency or accessibility needs. Intuitive design, clear labeling, and user-friendly interfaces ensure that attendees can easily find the information they need and navigate the conference platform with confidence.


Selecting the right event management software for organizing academic conferences is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your event. While must-have features provide the essential functionality needed to streamline conference planning and execution, nice-to-have features can elevate the attendee experience and enhance the overall event experience.

By prioritizing must-have features such as registration and ticketing, abstract management, program management, communication tools, and attendee engagement features, event planners can ensure seamless coordination and execution of their conferences. These features provide the foundation for efficient planning, effective communication, and engaging attendee experiences.

Additionally, incorporating nice-to-have features such as a customizable mobile app, comprehensive tools for sponsor and exhibitor management, advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, and accessibility features can further enhance the value proposition of the event management software. These features empower planners to deliver a more personalized, interactive, and inclusive conference experience for attendees while providing valuable insights and opportunities for future planning and optimization.

In conclusion, when evaluating event management software for academic conferences, it's essential to consider both must-have and nice-to-have features to meet the unique needs and objectives of your event. By selecting a software solution that offers a comprehensive suite of features and functionality, event planners can maximize efficiency, engagement, and success, ultimately delivering a memorable and impactful conference experience for all participants.


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